Monday, March 14, 2005

Good and bad; it happens now and then.

So first off, I have to say that last week was great. *Bean* is so beautiful and I guess you could call it chatty even though no one understands what she says yet. After all, she's only 8 months. *Luci* is still the same *Luci* That's both good and bad. Although I don't think I could ever date her again, I wouldn't have her change for the world.

That's was the good. As for the bad, it seems some sinus and lung congestion I've had for the past 3 or 4 weeks has apparently been something a little worse. Yesterday before I took *Luci* to the airport, I was feeling a little worse than normal. Upset stomach, a little headach. I just chocked it up to anxiety or something. Well after I dropped her off and returned home after dropping off *Darbi's* car, I decided to lay in bed. Didn't feel like doing anything else. Not even getting on the computer much. So I crawled into bed, and stayed there from aroun 4 or 5 pm until about 7 this morning when my alarm went off for me to go to school. "Nope," says I, "ain't happening." So I rolled over and lay there for another 3 or 4 hours. I've been up since then having hot flashes , drinking water, and watching t.v. Only time i get up is to refill my glass or to blow some lung chunks into the garbage can.

That's al for now folks. Perhaps I'll see a doctor soon. *Luci* says she won't help me pay for my van's repairs, but she'll be damned if I feel this bad for this long. Makes me feel pretty good.

I'll see ya'll folks later on. Take it easy everyone.

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