Friday, August 31, 2007

No baby.

Apparently I missed a memo, or misunderstood something she said. Turns out the the "I'm pregnant" hormone dropped over 75% in the week between her ER visit and her OBGYN visit. We were pretty excited for a while there, but I guess it's all works out the way it does for a reason. This gives us some more time to get our finances and everything under more control and whatnot.

Thaere's not a lot more to say about it just yet. So. I'm going to get back to schoolwork. And food.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

News of the moment

Sorry to keep you guys on edge, those that I didn't contact sooner.

The waiting was for results from the doctor.  A few weeks ago Darbi went to the ER for some pain she was having and, among other things, found out she was positive for a baby (approximately one month)! High risk for miscarriage, however, but we were hoping for the best.  More recent tests are looking not so hopeful. Certain hormones in her blood test aren't showing as high as they should.

More news when we get news...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Also, for those that care to see me get tasered.... click here

Hmmm..some more.

Still waiting, and will probably be waiting for a while. Things are still a little unsure. I'm sorry for being vague, but I've my reasons.

In other news, however, I can say that I've nearly got my hands on another engine for my van and that she may be running on the road again pretty soon. Along with the engine come some additional accessories and whatnots, but the important part is the engine! Woo!

Also I am back in school, once again. I started the fall semester Monday. I've two classes M-W-F, one class T-TH and one online - mostly all in the morning and afternoon. I'm still driving pizzas at the moment but my knee is starting to pain me a little so I'm trying to change jobs. It's nothing into a big business or technical field,  but I won't be pushing a clutch and getting out on the same leg every five minutes all evening. My interview with Hollywood Video is today at 4. I may put in at Blockbuster, and Petsmart...maybe a few other places. That seems a lot easier than finding a buying an automatic shift car I can afford - which isn't a lot. to schoolwork. After lunch, though. I'm HUNGRY! My stomach says"Rawr!" and I've little choice but to listen and appease the beast that lies within. Pasta will be his soon. Then, we shall enjoy the brief slumber that my appetite takes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Finally, a bike ride!

So I've had a few days off over the past month, and been trying to go on a bike ride. Something has always seemed to come up or distract me. There have been other jobs, helping friends, or housework....I understand certain things take priority over my wants, but I mean damn! you gotta look for you, too.

With that said, I'm going to get by nekkid self up and away from the computer, go put on some shorts sandals, pack a shirt other supplies, and roll on down the street, not to return for who knows how long.

Off to enjoy myself,