Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Just say it..."multiplicative." Sounds pretty cool doesn't it. I think so, too.

Well got up not quite as early as I had hoped to. Bed and snuggling felt too nice. Eventually I made it out of bed and left almost when I had planned. Made it to class with about 5 minutes til. Not too bad, but I like to be early.

I'm hoping that Darbi is reading this from home because she feels like crap recently and is nauseous (sp.) and all that. But she said this morning, "F*ck it; I'm going to work anyway." Well, I tried to talk her into staying home but she's as obstinate as I am. I woulda went to work probably too.

So I get out of bed, get ready, and hop in Molly (my super awesome van) and drive down to school in Deer Park. Looooong drive, but I didn't even come close to falling asleep. So far in all my travels, I've not dozed off while driving Molly. She's too fun to drive...that and the steering is a little loose. So you have to constantly make minute adjustments to stay on the road. And no power steering for me. Just a mega huge steering wheel.

Well I'm super hungry and have sandwiches waiting for me in the van. Gotta give an oral presentation of my english research paper in a few hours too, so i figure i oughta practice a little.

I'll talk at ya'll later on everyone. Take it easy and be as cool as you want to.


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