Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Partying like it's 1499!

Maybe I've got the year wrong, but my point is it's the 21st century and I'm supposed to have electricity. For the past two days we've had power outages that have lasted for aroun 7 or 8 hours...and we're being told this will go on for the next couple of weeks. It wouldn't be as bad if the power came on before the lights went out but's off from about 2pm til almost 10pm....grrr...anyway, I'm going to go get my homework done before the power goes out again.

Peace out ya'll !



Court Jester said...

So, cool. I was wondering what was up since the "Rita" hit the shores. Well, it's good to know you're alive, sorry about the power outages... Could have been worse. ^_^
Have fun at Ren Fare! Wish I could come home and go this year. Hey, do you think Ann and Clay will be picking out baby Ren clothes? Actually, nah, it'll probably be their little Jedi! How cute!
Anyway, is there anything from Germany you think you'd like me to look for? If there is let me know. OR let Charlene know *sniffle* since you won't talk to me... ^_~ (tee-hee) Take care. Laters!!!

Anonymous said...

How are ya? I am glad the both of you are having a good time at Faire.... I sure do miss you both very much...

Please call when you get a chance..

Love you,