Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Well Mom got the word to evacuate cause hurricane 'rita is heading her way, so she's finally got some time off and is coming up for a visit. Well it was found out a little while ago that our area is under voluntary evacuation, which can probably be translated into imminent evacuation. Blah. Me, Darbi, some friends from next block over, and my mom will probably be heading up the road a bit for the weekend since the reciept of this information. I'm pissed. I'd rather wade through feet upon feet of water and be miserable than deal with the traffic on the interstate. It took someone we know an hour and a half to go ten miles. Wow.

Mom's taking the trip at night....HOPEFULLY the traffic is somewhat lighter and not so bad all the way up from her house. Also I hope it's not so bad if we take the trip tomorrow (or Friday) because VW's don't do well with idleing through traffic for hours at a time, what with being air-cooled and all. (Air-cooled engine) + (moving very slowly through hot Texas weather) = (Not Good At All)

Talk at ya'll later when I get back...if my computer's still in usable condition...and the phone lines are still up..and we still have electricity...and, well, you get the picture.

Enjoy ya'll's weekend and stuff !


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