Saturday, September 24, 2005

Drizzles and breezes

Well, It's Saturday, and the whole group of us around the neighborhood stayed up most of last night waiting for the big storm to hit. A lot of boarded windows and unplugged electrical stuff and all we got was a little bit of wind and a steady drizzlling. Nothing worse than any other rainstorm we've gotten...except this time we got less rain. Our power didn't even go out in our neighborhood. Pwer losses were reported but not as much as expected. Greatly disappointed am I.

Good things out of this though... I got to see my mom for a little while; Mom got to have a few days off in a row; our pantry and fridge is full of food and drink again (at least for a while);

More later when I get around to it...Be safe, all ya'll.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love you. I am glad you and Sister had a good visit from your Mom. I am also glad to hear you didn't loose power. We have been out since 515 Saturday morning. Entergy is saying sometime next month.........So who knows.

Give Sister a hug.

Don't be a strange give us a buzz when you can.
