Friday, February 01, 2008

The plague

Sunday the plague took a strong hold of my darlin Darbi and kept her in bed for about 3 days. High fever, painful chills and horrible cough. After finally admitting that she was dying, we went to the HEB readiclinic and she was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, given some antibiotics and sent on our way.

That was Monday after I got back from school. I did not go to school the rest of the week. The plague had nestled itself comfortably in my system and hit me about midnight that night. Between burning up if I stayed still, and painfull chills if I moved, I may have gotten 30 minutes of sleep at a time the rest of the night. In the morning (about 1130am) I drag my carcass over to the couch. I am forced to take some medicine. I know it's for my own good so I don't put up too much of a fight.

Three days of suffering. Fever remained over a hundred. I was sweaty but if I moved even the slightest bit, chill bumps and pain, cough up nasty lung crud.....Three days. The only things I had eaten were 2 sips of some broth the first day, leftover pasta and grill cheese sandwich for day two, and on the third I managed half a PB&J sandwich. While I was on one couch, Darbi was covered up on the other with the same ailments as I.

On that third night, I took a shower. The best shower I've ever had in a while. It felt so good to feel clean. A few more hours on the couch and I was actually feeling pretty good. I felt I would sleep well, I wasn't overly hot, and wasn't coughing so much anymore.

Indeed, I slept well. A full 6 hours when Darbi's alarm went off. And then a few more after she went to work. I am feeling really well. The sunshine is once again shining in my life. Darbi says she is feeling better, but she thought that a few days ago too and was mistaken.

I hope for the both of our sakes, we're really over it for good.


1 comment:

The Merry Widow said...

YUCK! Guy #6 and I both had the same thing about 2 weeks ago. I seriously thought that I was going to die and called my dad to make arrangements for him to adopt my cat if necessary. LOL!