Monday, February 18, 2008

Hard Times, Good Times

Last night was kind of neat and a little tedious. We had the microwave heating up bowls of water in 4 minute intervals, the coffee pot was busy with several rounds of 12 cups of water, and we had a huge pot sitting on the propane burner several times. Eventually there was a few inches of hot water in the tub. Enough to mix with some cold water so that it was temperate enough for Darbi to sit in. I know that back and forth from the pump with buckets used to be a regular thing back in the day just for a cold bath, and heating it required a little more effort. Wow. A whole new appreciation for modern plumbing and water heaters.

Hopefully today should be the end of this. Because of some money issues, our gas was turned off last Tuesday, but should be getting restored today. Sadly, and I really am disappointed about this, I have to miss a day of school so that someone is at the house for them to restore service. Bah. I really don't like missing school. There was no estimate of arrival either, so that I might make my morning class if he comes in the afternoon, or vice versa, just a window between 7am and 8pm. Humbug!

Also, on the upside, if people are doing their paperwork in a timely manner, then about 850 dollars should be processed into our bank account; I'm hoping this week. Then, because of some notification issues and not getting reimbursed for my schooling in January, I should get that check and the check for February's attendance at the beginning of March, totalling a little over 2000. and if anyone decides to buy Miss Molly the van, that'll be another 5000.

On top of all that coming in, Darbi started her new job today. Technically it's not really a "new" job, since she worked for this company before. She is now getting paid more though, as well as getting benefits. Yay for insurance! She tells me that we should be able to afford another car payment without selling Molly, which would be great. However I'm keeping the van on the market, and will accept payment to take her off my hands. Maybe one day in the future I can get my hands on another, but currently I'm tired of struggling to keep her on the road. We'll see how that goes.

As far as new cars go, I'm thinking about a Honda Element. From what I've seen online and a couple some strangers have let me look at, it looks like it has lots of storage and room. I'm all about storage. I'll have a stronger opinion one way or the other after I test drive one or two different vehicles. None will be the same as my Molly, but times change, and things move on.

Now....back to homework. And of course, the ever so agonizing wait for the gas man.

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