Thursday, September 27, 2007


So I've been waiting about a week for the parts to my VW engine to come in, but no luck. So I give a call, and I find out why I've not recieved them. They haven't been shipped. That's right. Not shipped. Apparently the company didn't have any on hand and told me they were being prepared in the machine shop (closed at the time). Told them to email me a tracking number or something when they finally left their hands. Damn. So I'm borrowing Darbi's Mini to deliver pizzas so at least I'm pulling in some income weekly.


So, I'm here now doing homework....obviously on task. Supposed to be answering questions over communication in the film Joe Somebody with Tim Allen. Even though I've got most of the answers written out, or at least the idea sketched down, I can't quite comcentrate on typing up the answers. For whatever reason I've got boobies on the brain. That and it just rained so I want get outside and dance around a bit. I've got to email it by tomorrow. It'll get done.

I'm about to take off to work soon. I'm going to finish a few more and head out.

Talk at ya'll later. Hope you've enjoyed my li'l ramble of nothingnessssssssssssssssssssssssssss......ssss.


1 week 2 days til TRF starts again ! ! ! ! Woo ! And I've got a new shadow suit!


Anonymous said...

I thought you always had boobies on the brain?

Monkey Boy said...

That is a pretty constant thing, but I can usually focus on tasks at