Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wow-ness of life and parents

So I made a call to my mom recently to make sure she got my message about Mother's Day and a happy anniversary (which happened to land on the weekend this year). She had. In the course of conversation I told her I wasn't really working on getting my van running again and was considering selling her (the van) for money to go to school, buy a new car, pay bills, etc., since I had recently gotten laid off from my job and life our monetary situation had hit a downward slope and we were resting at the bottom for a bit.

She asked me how much I was lacking going to school for. Her reaction after I told her: "You're not going to school for 500 dollars?! That's it?." Mouth agape, I said yes, thinking "That's it? 500 is not just 'that's it?' - especially when you're down to half you're income and bills are still full scale." After I confirmed my "meager" shortage, she said she could wire me some money so I could attend and not put off school for another semester, like I had last semester due to similar circumstances. Yay Mom! Tears were shed a little, and yes I was at work, and no, I didn't care who saw. I was happy dammit, and I love my mother.

A couple of hours later, mom called me back, life's took another little turn upslope. Her boyfriend had recently purchased a new truck (with payments for the next forever included...blah), and no longer needed his old car. It would be another six years older before he could give it to one of his own little ones to drive around, and the car is already a decade old. Well, mom and he agreed to donate it to my cause. So next weekend I'm going to travel home and pick up my new car! New-ish, at least, and I'm totally good with that!

Also, Darbi's parent should be coming down home with us, and finally our parents will meet. At least that's the plan. We've been trying to arrange a meeting for them a long time running, and now the time draws nigh.

Life should be back on track pretty soon. I'll be driving to school in my new car, and then after class, off to drive pizzas around at a job I actually love, and pays pretty decent (if I can save my tip money and not spend it right away).

And, it's raining today! YES!

Life is good. I love you, mom.


Court Jester said...

"Just my kind of good weather..."

Good for you! It's nice to know that some people don't suffer perpetual bad luck. I'm glad things are looking up.

Love ya!


Court Jester said...

...Harry Potter theme park... *tear* I'm so happy!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry about Molly. Hope all is well. Dude turned 11 yesterday. Being a Mother is very difficult. Drop me a line sometime, I would really like to hear from you or Sister or both... or something.