Sunday, June 17, 2007

Good times

I just have to say that I love life sometimes. Rain is nice, and good tippers are great! I was out driving pizzas last night and for tips got 10 dollars from one lady, 7 from another guy, and averaged about 5 or 4 from everyone else. 10 dollars! and the house wasn't even that far away and it wasn't even raining during my trip to her house. And because of something she said I'm sure she meant to give 10.

However, even though I love the rain, delivering pizzas in it....not so good. I dislike driving with my windows up. ugh. Oh well.

Also an update on the transportation issue...The VW is still sitting in the driveway, and the Ford Escort I am now driving is running great. Although she slides a bit more than the microbus did when the roads are slippery...but I'm learning to control that.

And one more thing to whom it applies: Any news on the title? Have you found the original or gotten anywhere on a lost title application?

1 comment:

Jen said...

It's in the mail. or rather was. you should have it by now.