Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Forgetful Jones....and a bicycle ride

.....anybody else remember that character from Sesame Street??

I had thought of something to throw here earlier today (or late yesterday) and have forgotten what it was. It might have been about the bike ride I took yesterday. Probably was.


I went on a bike ride yesterday. Kind of needed some alone time where I wasn't working on homework or housework and didn't have anything around that felt like it could have been worked on, cleaned up, started, or finished. Just me, and some music and no responsibilities. I think everyone needs some time to themselves where they feel no pressure of anything.

A lot of times, that's when my bike is to me...freedom from the pressure of life. I'm not saying my life is bad, or that I don't want it - only that a periodic time away is nice.

My ride last evening, took me around my li'l neighborhood, down the road through some after work traffic (ugh) and finally out to a road that heads out to who knows where and eventually back again. Google maps says it was 10.6 miles out to where I rode. Sound about right. The road I took ended up not going anywhere really...a couple of housing communities and then the pavement ended, and a little more up the road were a set of gates and fences at an intersection.

I stood around and caught my breath - I had been riding against the wind - and took a few photos of the blahness around and tried to find some interesting perspectives.

After a short rest, I hopped back on my bike and headed home. Much easier now traveling with the wind, but still had to deal with a little traffic, although not as much.

About two and a half hours later I arrive back home, worn out, sweaty, and feeling nasty. And absolutely wonderful at the same time. The best feeling of nasty and hurt I ever feel is on or after a bike ride. I mean it this time when I say I am going to make this a regular thing. It is one part of my growing up that I miss dearly, and can readily reclaim and keep alive. I just have to find the space for it in a growing world of cars and communities.

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