Thursday, October 12, 2006

two jobs and no sleep

....well, I guess it's technically three jobs, since I'm made a commitment to be at TRF to carry the banner for the Mark's blacksmith booth.

So. I've got this one I'm currently at, which I started 10/2 (last week) and will end 10/20 (next week), working 715 to 415. It's not a difficult job, just a lot of walking sometimes. Then directly over to Greek Tony's afterwards to deliver pizzas from 5-10. Except for last night. There was a huge order that came in a little while before we closed. I didn't leave until after 10 and didn't get back until 11:15. The good news is I left that night with a little over 40 dollars, went and put plenty of gas in the van for a day or two. Bad news is by the time I got home and got ready for this morning, it was a bit past midnight.

I know lots of people run this schedule, but I just haven't gotten used to it yet. Yesterday I was to rushed an busy to be tired. Today, I'm not so busy. I'm finding things to do, but I'm still kind of tired.

And I have to pee. Too much apple juice this morning. Talk at ya'll all later

Chris, the naked monkey boy!

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