Monday, October 16, 2006

I'll have the rain, with a side order of rain, srinkled with some rain, please

So even though I had Friday afternoon off, Darbi and I still got kind of a lte start out to Faire. Good news, we still go there before midnight ! Woo! What did we do? Did we party? Did we find friends and have a relaxing night drinking? Nope. We slept. And it was gooood.

Saturday wasn't that bad of a day. Kind of cool, and overcast; not too bad of a crowd, but little energy from anyone. Blah. Sunday was a completely different story.

Sunday, there was barely a crowd. No energy at all. It rained on and off all day. Infact it is still raining now this morning. On top of it being a bad day for fair, Darbi was having a bad day as well, which brought me down. I'm not going into details of her bad day it was her day to tell and not mine. Faire shut down early at 615. Afterward we went out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant, and it ended up a lot of our friends had the same idea, so instead of dinner for two it ended up dinner for almost 30 or so - some we new others we didn't - but there were a lot of laughs a lot of hugs and a lot of smiling.

Even though the weekend was so-so, it ended on a good note. Now it's Monday morning, and back to the grind. Another week of 7am-10pm for me and then my daytime temp job is ending, so I'll have more time, but less money. Hopefully I can work on my photography and make some money off of that, even though all I have is a digital point and shoot.

I've got to go finish getting dressed and get off to work.

As always, take care, and take it easy,

Chris, the-naked-hippy-monkey-shaman Posted by Picasa

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