Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's that time again !

Well it's been a pretty good while since I've been here, and I just wanted to get a short-ish update up here.

I've gone through a couple of jobs, and am now delivering pizzas and subs in the evening, working temp jobs during the day, and when time allows, learning from a photographer about photography and Photoshop.

The pic seen here was taken while camping out at the Texas Renaissance Festival. This was out the passenger side. The driver side looked out upon many, many tents, and people getting dressed in assorted outfits and costumes to head into the fairgrounds. As I was sitting watching the traffic, both cars and people, a shirtless guy with a cane and HUGE top hat saunters/limps up and after a story basically asking for spare bucks, he ends up offering and handing over a valid ticket to enter the faire. Definitely nice. It was great to wander and see old friends and be on grounds again. By the end of the day, some friends of ours who work each year at the fair offer us passes to carry their advertisement banners in the parade each weekend day. Sweet !

So now we no longer have to worry about coming up with money to get into TRF. We were hoping to go to maybe three weekends and go in one day each trip, but luck has shined ! Now all we have to fret about is coming up with enough money for bills and whatnot. Budgets always work a lot better down on paper. I'm sure everyone knows how that goes.

So. This is gotten to be not so short-ish as I had planned so I'm going to get outta here and shower and sleep and all that good jazz.

Talk at you all later !

Chris the Naked Monkey Boy! Posted by Picasa

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