Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Linux....among other things

So ...I've got this new operating system Linux taking up my time and confounding the heck out of me. I've been busy learning about new file types, and how to install, move, copy, and manipulate files without click and point interface all over again. It brings back some serious memories of reading programming code to my mother nearly 20 years ago...(probably closer to 15). Also, it feel more satisfying ( at least for now ) to actuall tell the computer what to do instead of just clicking and dragging.....**note to self: clean keyboard cause it's infested with little tiny ants**...One problem so far is that I'm still trying to install my video card drivers correctly. Another drawback is trying to access all of the files I saved through windows. Apparently I don't have permission to read my own files under Linux...I'm working on it though.

Also going on is some problems with Luci. I know I haven't really mentioned her in a while. We've been talking a bit, and arguing a bit more, but that's typical recently. The other day we had a big discussion where basically she told me to screw off. I told her I'd like to be her friend, but I don't want to be her shoulder to cry on when it comes to matters between us. She seems to take it that I don't want to be there at all for her. How can I get her to see that in order for her to start getting over me she needs someone else to discuss all this with besides 'me' The way I look at things, it'll be harder to get over me if I'm her emotional support in all this. Am I wrong in the way I see things? Or is she letting her emotions cloud her thinking?

I've a long list of things I want to do. A lot of them are to do "one day" as in *"One day I'm going to... :update my photosite "learn Japanese and sign language :go to Japan and live there a few years"* You know..."one day." Whether the day will actually come for a lot of things on my list (which grows longer by a few things every week), I don't know. I hope that they will happen, but a lot I don't expect to happen. *Hope, but don't expect* Words I tend to live by I think. I have my dreams and goals, but if they don't come true, I'm not going to be that disappointed by it. It's not that I failed at anything; it's just that things in life didn't exactly go my way - things didn't fit to MY plan. Which kind of slides me into another point. I don't let a lot of matters affect me. I try not to get upset much because in the grand scheme, there's not a lot that should. If something happens that doesn't make you happy, then either ignore it, or change the situation a bit so that you are. You don't always have to agree with things. Sometimes acceptance is all it takes. Once you accept a situation and see - actually see - where you are at, you can move to change it.

So, I've a long list of things to do. I prioritize with a combonation of what makes me happy, what really matters at the moment (cause this always changes), and what is in my ability to accomplish.
Right now, jumping on the trampoline in my backyard fits all three of these criteria. Then macaroni and cheese for lunch while reading up on Linux.

So I hope this brings some brightness to your day M. I've updated my blog *wink* That goes for any one else out there that was missing the random words of my life.

Till next time...


Charlene said...

Hey you
I think you are totally right about Luci. She needs to distance herself in order to break her attatchment to you. I am sure about one thing it is going to be very hard for her though. As for your philosophy on life I like the sound of that and thanx it did put a smile on my face. Of course you always have....

Anonymous said...

Words of Wisdom I will keep in mind for my own life. Thank you for the update..

Did the humming Bird ever leave? hehehe...

It's all good gravy..

Love ya