Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good morning....

A discussion was held last night, trying to figure out exactly which night I took my last shower. The running joke is "once a week whether I need it or not" but it actually tends to hold pretty true. We thought back over the week, tying events to days, and landed on Friday. 5 days since my last washing. I went on a boat trip out on the lake and sweated a storm up on the rubber raft. As I took my shower that night, I remembered I had gone boating on Thursday. Up that count to 6. Although I can say it's been a busy week, I don't think that really makes a difference. I just don't sweat that profusely. I wasn't reeking; I didn't feel grimy; I wasn't all covered in paint/ink stains.

The annoying thing is *now* that I've showered, my head and face itch like mad.

To digress, the hole in the kitchen wall is no longer a hole. It is a reinforced patch with 3 coats of drywall mud waiting on primer and paint. Thought s had passed through my mind about sanding it before painting it, however, even though it doesn't match the rest of the wall, I like the texture the patched area has at the moment.

I'm not a fan of textured walls. Nor of drywall in particular, even though I'm sure it has it's many benefits. I miss wood and paneling. Why? Just because.

Once again, off to work I go. It's "truck day" up at Sears. Ugh. My one guaranteed long day, and by long I mean a full 8 hours.

See ya when I see ya!


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