Saturday, February 26, 2005

Dreams and reality....

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."

(in a sing-song voice):"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Just a couple of quotes from a beautifully colourful movie. I cannot wait for the remake with Johnny "the Hottness" Depp. Woo !! Going to be a grand and glorious movie. I've yet to read te book, though. It's been among my top to-do's for a while now. But, alas, as you will all learn, I am a HUGE , repeat H-U-G-E procrastinator. It's pretty impessive that I've actually got more than on post on here **grin** Let's see how long that lasts.
Anyway. . . I interup[ted my algebra homework jsut for the cause of putting some tremedously inspring quotes up here. For some reason everytime I see this movie it hits me deep and makes me feel sorrow for a lot of the world and their outlook.
So. . back to listening to my movie and catching up on procrastinated homework.

*&* Super points to those who identify the movie solely from the quotes *wink* I love you guys/gals. For those of you who guessed it after the hints in the opening sentences. . . not too bad. Ya'll are okay too. Everyone else. . . go watch Empire Records. Another superb, yes, superb. . .superb movie, although not where these quotes came from. *&*

Hmmm.....perhaps I'll quote from that movie one day for all of you.

Live hard, love long, dream your reality, and never start making sense...

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