Thursday, August 06, 2009

and with a thunderous roll of applause ..... ! !

Ok it's not really that exciting.

I've had the summer off from school, which typically means lots of free time for me, but much less income. However, this summer I've been working renovating Ike damaged properties and getting by with a decent amount of monies in our pocket. I've enven had most evenings off because of my reprieve from working at Greek Tony's as a delivery driver. As a home propertiy repair and renovation technition type fella' I've taken all the skills I picked up growing up with my dad and actually applied them somewhere besides just puttering around the house. My landlord/neighbor/boss has also taught me a few tips a tricks of doing (and not doing) things the right/wrong way.

However, we just finished up the last repairs of the last house. Although I'm still working for him I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing for him other than minor repairs on his properties and some organization/moving of his supplies and tools. So I have been out seeking steady employment elsewhere. However, I work well once I have the job, but am not fond of the actual looking. A bit of a problem due to cause and effect....pretty much equals no job without looking.

Furthermore, contrary to expectations, I will not be going to school this fall. I misread the statement on payment deadlines and have been disenrolled from the classes I signed up for. I'd try to reenroll and rush in at the last minute, but wouldn't be able to pay at the moment anyway. So another semester off. Damn.

Well I'm off to be productive elsewhere than the computer. Hope everyone's days are fantastic!


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