Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Year

"I've been very excited to have recieved a Wacom brand graphics tablet over the holidays and am absolutly in love with it. --Chris Jones"

For those that don't know a graphics tablet is like pen and paper instead of a mouse for your computer. It can be used as your mouse for navigation, but more importantly makes drawing and editing photos much easier. I've been wanting one for a while and now have one. Thank you, Darbi :)

Life in general is going pretty well. I'm enjoying evenings at home now, and it is very nice to be able to make plans and spend time with Darbi, as well as with other friends instead of constantly working all the time. My landlord now has control of me for a full work day, and school will only be taking up a few hours out of 2 evenings a week. Not bad at all.

New Years passed with plenty of smiles and no dismemebered appendages. *whew* Darbi and I visited a friend out in the middle of nowhere, and we all had a good time around a li'l bonfire, some drinks and what I heard was 5000 dollars worth of fireworks. Not sure if that included the handmade ones, which weren't much to look at, but had plenty of BOOM! The day next was spent lounging around at another couple of friends' house as a gathering commenced and we all had lunch/dinner together.

Darbi and I are doing well again together, and although only a month or so has passed since our recent vows I am feeling really good about things this time. And before anyone asks, by vows I do not mean marriage vows. We simply needed some reaffirming of a few things and clearing up of a few issues.

She has started a new job yesterday, and is utilizing the crappy bus system Houston has in order to get downtown to work. Yesterday was awash with calls complaining about the system of public transport, both going to, and coming from work. Today I recieved only one text: "Woo hoo! Made it here with plenty of time for breakfast with no problems this morning! :)" I was greatly relieved, especially with the cold temperatures we've been having over the past few days.

40 degrees. Plus wind. Ugh.

40 degrees, plus wind in addition to his kids visiting from out of state prompted my boss/landlord to deem this morning unfit for work and said come back after lunch. Which it almost is. So, after a productive morning of getting nothing done, I am off to possibly get something done. Ahhh....what a plan.

Til next time! See ya!

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