Monday, June 02, 2008


Yay for a new job! It feels good to be productive again, and doubly so because I'm doing something I really like to do. I'm working as a web designer for a small business that designs sites and logos for small (and large) businesses. So far there's only three people working here. Me, the boss, and her husband.

Downside to the hands hurt a little more than normal, but that's just because I'm not used to typing so much at one time.

Upsides: I'm indoors in an office, at a desk with a computer. I've got steady hours and pretty good pay. I get to practice and enhance my web designing skills.


The relationship with Darbi is back to a normal status at the moment....hopefully for the long run this time. We keep looking and talking about moving out of the Woodlands and either further out into the country or into a downtown-ish place. The Woodlands area is nice but we both think we'd rather have either woods, or city - not so much of the blend we find here.We'll see.

Lunch is almost over....back to the designing board...


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