Saturday, March 15, 2008

10:03 p.m. This 15th Night of March, 2008.

I'm sitting here awake now at almost 2am unable to get to sleep. I am awake! and aware!, more now than I have been in a long while. I'm remembering more of who I used to be. Feeling more of the youth that I was and what I had.

A many of my friends I know have waited for me to remember myself like this. I have been waiting for a while as well. Today is the day I stop waiting (I know, I know - technically it's night) and take a firm hold on my life and the direction I want it to go in.

  • Possibly, a haircut.

"Oh, noo!!" I hear in shrieks of protest, "Not your beautiful curls!"

Yes. The beautiful curls. Gone but not forgotten. The spirit will remain alive and burn ever so brightly and with as much music as before. But as everything develops, the exterior becomes sleeker and more efficient. Think Ipod compared to the 8-track. Same groovin tunes inside, new sleek exterior that you don't have to carry around in suitcase.

  • Wardrobe may need some cleaning out.
It's high time I weed out some of the old Tshirts and bring in some new pocket T's and button-ups with cool collars. Maybe. Get me into some slacks now and again for no reason and find some jeans that aren't covered in VW grease and paint. I'm not stopping with the skirts though. Those are damn comfy. I plan on investing on some new ones of those as well.

  • This list ought've been more than two bullets long.
Now it is. AND! I got to use "ought" and in a contraction, even!

**raises his arm to the night air, drink in hand, and says a toast**

To the past, ever fading and living forever;
To the present, formed by our past and ever changing;
To the future, we know not what it holds but we bear it together.

To this I sign my name:

Christopher Cory Jones
15 MAR 2008

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