Wednesday, May 04, 2005

So long books, so long school !

Done with school for this semester at least. I know I passed Psychology, pretty sure I passed English, and without even knowing my grade am positive I passed Algebra - no sweat. All that, and I didn't even try half the time. Now I have all day long to look for a job. Any one out there that can help me out ??

Plans for the fourth of July. I'm going out to Myrtle (sp) beach to spend a week with my daughter, ex, and her family for little Bean's birthday ((June 29th)) in conjunction with the holiday. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and without major incident.

Well, it's been a long day. Kind of felt very unproductive, so I'm going to go sew on my new vest/shirt thing, and try to continue on sewing some new pants together. Woo hoo!!

Talk at ya'll all later on. Take care and be easy out there. Peace.


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