Thursday, May 12, 2005

life and stuff

recently been playing a lot of video games....well, actually, I've just been playing two. But I have been playing them a lot. Kind of keeps me distracted from doing other things. Like cleaning, or folding clothes or other chores. The strange thing is after doing chores I feel good. After playing games all day I feel crappy. Not just that I got nothing done, but seriously mushy-brain crappy.

So today, I need to fold the clothes in the dryer, wash *and* dry whites, and possibly organize a back corner of the garage naked. Definitely have to dry the clothes I wash. One of the roomates washed a blanket Sunday. I took it out yesterday...and had to smell 3 or 4 days of couped up dampness. Permeated the entire house. *gag*

Well that's what I need to do. What I'm going to do (at least for a little while, is play video games though. I'm procrastinating, I know. But at least I realize and accept it. And acceptance is the first step.

Talk to you all later on. Have fun, and hope ya'll are more productive than I at the moment.


1 comment:

Court Jester said...

Awe, I'm sad... My husband is coming down for June 20th through July 2nd. You'll have to let us know when you are leaving to go see your baby, maybe we can catch you before you go since I'll have to go there to pick him up from the air-port. ^_^

Still trying to get to Houston before that... I'm sorry you are looking for work again, but congrats on doing well for finals! I'll try to e-mail you later. I have to go play a LAN game with my friend Trey. **BIG HUG**
