Friday, May 28, 2010

Out on Lake Woodlands today for the second time in my li'l boat. It doesn't move fast, but it keeps me above the water.

As I was cruising my bicycle along the sidewalk at the park, I was espied by a teenage boy and his friend, both named Eric. They approached and asked simply, "Are you Hippie Chris?" I said yes, as I've been called versions of that by many for years. Kid told me he'd met me a few years ago when he was around 13; maybe I remembered his friend Dave with the long hair? I think he may have been one of the kids that used to cheer when they saw me drive by in my VW bus.

Strange little world we wander.

Then, while packing up after my boat ride I get sucked into conversation with some gal about religion and such, inspired by a question about my tattoo. Eventually it gets too hot sitting in the sun and I'm eager to get home and shower off, so we draw the conversation to a close and I enjoy the short ride home.

Upon the ride home, thanks to my backpack, I notice my upper arms are a little tender from the sun. Life is wonderful now that summer is here. I've missed it over the many cold snaps we had this past winter/spring.

Out tonight to get-together over dinner with a few oldish friends, and meeting some newish ones possibly. Then, who knows? Maybe a late night out; maybe a late night in. Either way life is good.

I love life.

To the boat!

After work today , I'm riding my bike out to the Lake again with my boat in a bag for an afternoon of sun and laziness. Exactly how lazy biking out to a lake and inflating a boat to paddle around in is, I'm not sure but that's how my mind works it out. Later this evening theres a dinner get-together in the plans so I'll probably be either too tired or too busy to get back here before tomorrow morning and post anything else.

I'm short on time at the moment. Still have to pack the boat and oars.

See ya!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good morning....

A discussion was held last night, trying to figure out exactly which night I took my last shower. The running joke is "once a week whether I need it or not" but it actually tends to hold pretty true. We thought back over the week, tying events to days, and landed on Friday. 5 days since my last washing. I went on a boat trip out on the lake and sweated a storm up on the rubber raft. As I took my shower that night, I remembered I had gone boating on Thursday. Up that count to 6. Although I can say it's been a busy week, I don't think that really makes a difference. I just don't sweat that profusely. I wasn't reeking; I didn't feel grimy; I wasn't all covered in paint/ink stains.

The annoying thing is *now* that I've showered, my head and face itch like mad.

To digress, the hole in the kitchen wall is no longer a hole. It is a reinforced patch with 3 coats of drywall mud waiting on primer and paint. Thought s had passed through my mind about sanding it before painting it, however, even though it doesn't match the rest of the wall, I like the texture the patched area has at the moment.

I'm not a fan of textured walls. Nor of drywall in particular, even though I'm sure it has it's many benefits. I miss wood and paneling. Why? Just because.

Once again, off to work I go. It's "truck day" up at Sears. Ugh. My one guaranteed long day, and by long I mean a full 8 hours.

See ya when I see ya!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Untitled, but on purpose...

Once again, I say that I am going to try to update more often. My new resolution (of sorts) is to post nearly daily - even if it isn't actually eventful or relevant; mainly just want to get into the routine of it.

So, it's Wednesday and I've a morning off - although the morning is behind me and afternoon i has started.

Overslept, sort of. The only thing I had going on early in the morning was fresh coffee. The extra hours I missed out on means I didn't go on a mike/boat trip, however I did get some laundry done. It feels good hanging clothes out on the line to dry again and not worrying so much about rain.

Also, found out that a hole in our kitchen drywall wasn't caused by any leaks. Seems to be a patch job from years gone by that could have been done a little better. We were hanging a hook set up, and the pressure of pushing in the screw anchors caved in a bit o' the wall. I was worried of a leak as the water heater and the washer are behind that wall, although nowhere near the hole. Thank goodness it was just a hole.

Hmm...laundry on the line, holes soon to be not holes, and reheated coffee...I think that about does it for now. I'm off to finish tasks before biking to work (4-9). Tonight, while at work, I'll be missing Darbi and a couple of friends practicing Tool's "Schism" for church service in a couple of weeks. There are other songs included to be practiced, as well, but I'm super stoked about "Schism." Should be fun!

'Til life brings me this way again (hopefully tomorrow), "Toodles and oodles of smiles!"
