Saturday, December 31, 2005

Whoop-de-doo for December...*rolls eyes

So much much earlier ( I think ) in my postings, I mentioned how much I love laying in the grass on hot sunny day. Well today is the last day of December....DECEMBER mind you - the middle-ish of winter - and it's so super nice outside. I just got back from reading for a bit laying out in the grass at a nearby park while the temperature is a delightful 75-ish or so. Sweat almost started forming up on my brow even...quite nice.

Hmmm, let's see ...what else has happened recently. Since the loss of my old email address, a few friends have recently gotten back in touch with me *yay!* I'm hoping a few more email me, or at least know that my email got to them. Oh! Also one of my penpals from Belgium sent me a card, wishing me happy holidays. I have no idea what the greeting on the outside says, only that the card is pretty, and the lovely message from my friend, my Schmussel-monster.

Hopefully, more photos of Bean will show up in the mail soon. I know I haven't mentioned much of her lately. I am told she's growing up more, just not getting bigger by much. Her vocabulary has increased by a lot, and her teeth are almost all in too. Walking and running around she has advanced into the toddler section at her daycare *grin* I've seen the proofs of her pics...she's looking so gorgeous. Also no more bottle or high chair either...sitting at the table and drinking from her cup now...

School should start up too soon. I hope that I can get into the art class I want. I tried to register for it, but it was full by the time I got the *hold status*, which should not have been there in the first place, off of my account. Apparently there's a form I can take to the professor and get into it anyway. I've got my fingers crossed.

Onward and forward to the new year. I don't do new year resolutions, because I think if you want to change, than you should be able to do it at any point of the year, not just when most of mankind has decided to end one year and start another. As far as trying to be a better person...I don't know. Being more true to myself, however, sounds like a good deal. Even though this idea has been mentioned to me recently, it's something I think about often. Not just because of who I'm with, or who I'm not with, but because of how I see myself, compared to how I used to be long before most people who know me now knew me. I miss alot of the way I ised to be while I was in high school, before I started being social. For a little while, kind of found some of those qualities while I was in California. But I need to find them again. I need to get back, not neccessarily being antisocial, and not going out, but getting out by myself more often and enjoying the outside, nature, and just cruising on my bike passing through neighborhoods or walking around meandering through people and crowds wrapped up in my own little world of music, just watching. Just being. Sounds strange to say it but I miss myself. In a strange little way, there's part of me that misses not wanting anyone around and being happy alone. Maybe all I need to do is start wearing headphones nearly 24-7 like I used to and kind of tuning stuff out again. Maybe I just need more days reading in the grass. *shrug* I'll find what I'm looking for eventually. I know I will.

###............................Mom, I love you......................###
###.......................I don't tell you enough.................###
###........................** big hugs to you **..................###

There are more people that I send my love to, each for various reasons:

Charlene - you have always been a great friend even when we never talk to each other for a year or so...I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Toni - even though you don't accept it, nor believe it, I do care about you a lot. Through those years I was in the Marines, you were very special to me. I hope you find happiness in something else besides despising me and me being happy where I am.

Lillian - too young to read this herself, but still precious beyond belief. My love goes to her that she grows up smart and goofy and true. Whether I have time with her or not, I hope she is happy throughout life and isn't filled with bad thoughts about her father later in life.

Ann N. - I think you may have been my first love, even though, I didn't know it until it was too late to do anything about it. I'm glad you have found someone as awesome as you have and are happy with him. You are forever beautiful in mine eyes and I'll always treasure the days and evenings that we had back in Bloomington.

to ALL my family - I don't keep in touch as much as I should.

to my old friends that count the most - same thing...not near enough contact and I'm sorry.

Darbi - for being so generous and loving, and for more than I know how to say.

Mrs. B.W. Williams - wherever you are, you were on of the greatest teachers I've had and were a great inspiration. I shall never forget you.

Corinne - you know why I love you. ( *Oh, goodness !* hehehe ) and so much more than that, too

That ends the list for now. Thre are more out there that have special places in my heart, but I honestly don't think I have the time to list you all individually.

So Happy New Year to all ! Be safe and true and watch out for the loonies !

Hugs and love to everyone,

Friday, December 16, 2005

email and IM crap

Looks like my main Yahoo account got hacked into or something because I can't access anything from my curly_jones username....If anyone want to contact me through email or Yahoo IM use same as the messenger name....jones_C_C...

more badnews as well, my door fell off of my van. Luckily I was parked when it hit the ground (yes, the ground, not my toes). The rear roller on the big sliding door had broke and when I went to take the covering panel off to see if it was fixable, the whole door came loose, and on its way down snapped the bottom support assembly as well. So. until I get those parts for my van I'll either borrow Darbi's car or make sure I'm wearing a jacket when I drive this

Good news however is that I made 'B' in my Biology class and my sosciology final was super essays, only multiple choice, but I don't know yet what I made overall. Also, sold back my books and made a few extra dollars...woo hoo!

That's all I can thnk of right now. Happy holidays to everyone out there. Stay safe and have fun!

Talk at ya'll later !

Friday, December 02, 2005

Wheeee !!!

Runs and slides across the blog and disappears once again ! ! ! !