Monday, February 28, 2005


So, wouldn't you just know it. As soon as I start getting the hang of waiting tables, and actually making a fair amount of money. . . I'm quitting and moving. Isn't life neato. We all live our choices.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Dreams and reality....

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."

(in a sing-song voice):"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Just a couple of quotes from a beautifully colourful movie. I cannot wait for the remake with Johnny "the Hottness" Depp. Woo !! Going to be a grand and glorious movie. I've yet to read te book, though. It's been among my top to-do's for a while now. But, alas, as you will all learn, I am a HUGE , repeat H-U-G-E procrastinator. It's pretty impessive that I've actually got more than on post on here **grin** Let's see how long that lasts.
Anyway. . . I interup[ted my algebra homework jsut for the cause of putting some tremedously inspring quotes up here. For some reason everytime I see this movie it hits me deep and makes me feel sorrow for a lot of the world and their outlook.
So. . back to listening to my movie and catching up on procrastinated homework.

*&* Super points to those who identify the movie solely from the quotes *wink* I love you guys/gals. For those of you who guessed it after the hints in the opening sentences. . . not too bad. Ya'll are okay too. Everyone else. . . go watch Empire Records. Another superb, yes, superb. . .superb movie, although not where these quotes came from. *&*

Hmmm.....perhaps I'll quote from that movie one day for all of you.

Live hard, love long, dream your reality, and never start making sense...

Friday, February 25, 2005


Sooooo, up again at butt-crack early before the sun is out so I can come home from the Woodlands in time for me to make it class, and my ladyfriend can be at work by 8. Yes AM. Ugh. So here I am desparately needing another nap, some food [ more food actually; I ate 2 hours ago ], and a shower. Directly after publishing this I'm going to see about getting a pic up. Nah. I'm just going to take a nap instead. If anyone out there who knows me and reads this before 5 or so...give me a wake up call around 4:15pm Texas time. Today's Friday the 25th for any confusered individuals out there. Yay Friday...except for having to go wait tables at a local mexi-restaurant. Too fast paced for me. That's okay soon. 6 March is my last day. Paperwork is in and plans are made. only if I had fun plans for after work.....damn the luck; fun plans are hard to come by when you ride your bicycle everywhere....blah. Til next time...Keep on keepin' on !

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

*peeking through the window*

Peering around the corner, I dare to take my first step (well second actually) into the big world of the web...woo! more for now

Okay. So now that I'm off the phone and can actually use two hands to type, here's a few more words for everyone. I'll use this for my li'l intro cause I'm never good at first time stuff when I'm the initiator. One-of-a-kind individual (yeah I know...redundant) living in the Houston area. Love to lay in the grass and read on a sunny day...blah blah blah...and I love to tell stories. TO really enjoy one of the stories of mine is to watch me tell it. From what I's pretty entertaining. Well I have to pack up for a weekly trip up north. Gotta love live music and sweet goofy ladyfriends *wink* Also my pinky is killing me everytime I hit the "Enter" or "Shift" key or something. About a month ago I was sliding my had along a wall at Sam's Boat up in the Woodlands and got a splinter rammed up alongside my pinky's li'l fingernail. Can't see it to get it out but you can tell it's swollen a li'l and it hurts like a sunnofagun. I'll dig all you cool cat's later on.